網路社群、媒介與日常生活(online community, media and everyday life)
媒介再現與真實建構(media representation and reality construction)
廣播新聞(radio journalism)
英國蘭開斯特大學(Lancaster University)媒體與文化研究博士
2011 - 2012 文化大學新聞系教學卓越辦公室副主任
2009 ~ 迄今 文化大學新聞系華岡電台指導老師
2009、2011 交通大學「薪傳在交大-績優導師報導」一書主編
2009 - 2011 交通大學傳播研究所兼任教師(電子報理論與實務)
2003/06-2004/05 聯合報經濟組記者 (主跑財政部)
2000/11-2003/05 自由時報財經組記者 (主跑中央銀行、外商銀行及信用評等公司)
1997/06-2000/10 中華日報政治組記者 (主跑外交、國防、立院及黨政新聞)
Kuo, W.P. (2009). The Production and Consumption Practices of Online Journalism in Digital Taiwan, PH. D. dissertation, Department of Media, Film and Cultural Studies, Lancaster University, U.K.
Kuo, W. P. & Wu, L. (2016). A corpus-based approach to social actors in economic news: A comparison of Taiwan's Taipei Times and Hong Kong's South China Moring Post. In M. C. Vilches & K. Lu (Eds.). Understanding English in Us: Language Education & Language Studies (pp. 119-136). Kaohsiung, TW: Wenzao Ursuline University of Language.
Winping Kuo (2023). Infodemic in the era of the pandemic: Analyzing thelanguage use and discourse of COVID-19 fake news. International Review of Pragmatics (scopus), 15(2): 189-220.
Winping Kuo & Sumei Wang (2023). Fake News in the Field of COVID Communication: Investigating the ‘Infodemic’ in Taiwan. critical Criminology (SSCI).
郭文平。(2020)。〈語料庫輔助的媒體論述分析:以台灣平面媒體中國夢報導為語 料的實證研究〉。資訊社會研究,38期,頁51-92。 Kuo, W. P. (2019). Living with “abnormal” drought in rain-soaking Taiwan: Analysis of water consumption practices and discourses. ANTHROPOLOGICAL NOTEBOOK, 25(2): 71-91(SSCI).
Wang, S. & Kuo, W. P. (2019). The media soundscapes of colonial Taiwan: How radio and phonograph were used in everyday life by upper-middle class Taiwanese during the colonial period. Paper presented in Culture Typhoon 2019. Tokyo: Keio University.
Kuo, W. P. (2018). Living with an abnormal drought: An ethnographic and corpus analysis of water consumption practices in Taiwan. Paper presented in The 15th EASA biennial conference. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
Kuo, W. P. (2017).Culture Keywords of Online Public and Media Discourse: A Case Study of Drought in Taiwan. Paper presented in Second International Conference on Communication and Media Studies and the Communication and Media Studies Research Network. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
Kuo, W. P. (2016). Representing slow-onset hazard: A diachronic corpus based keyword analysis of newspaper coverage on three droughts of Taiwan. The Asian Conference Media & Mass Communication 2016. Kobe: The Art Center Kobe.
Kuo, W. P. (2012).Social Actors in Economic News: A Keyword Comparison Study of Taiwan and Hong Kong Newspapers. 2015 International Conference on Language Education and Studies. Kaohsiung: Wenzao university.
Kuo, W. P. (2012). Hyperlink for what? The use of hypertext in online news field in Taiwan. The Third Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2012. Japan: Osaka.
Kuo, W. P. (2011) Convergence as practice: The impact of convergent strategies on everyday news production and journalists’ work in Taiwan.
The 8th international Telecommunications Society Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kuo, W.P. (2010) Convergence in Everyday News Production Practice: The Impacts of Media Convergence on Journalists’ Works and News Culture in Taiwan. The Asia Conference on Media, OsaKa, Japan.
Kuo, W.P. (2006). The contemporary journalistic culture in Taiwan–The ethnographic study of ETtoday.com. The 13th North America Taiwan Study Association (NATSA) annual conference, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin- Madison.