Shulin Chiang (2018). Visualisation and Science Communication—A Historical Study of Typhoon News Reporting and Visualisation in Taiwan (1958-2015). Paper presented at the 2018 4S International Conference. Sydney, Australia. 計畫編號 MOST 105-2410-H-034-018-MY2
Shulin Chiang (2017). Science and Visualization--The Application and Development of Visualization in Typhoon News in Taiwan (1958-2015). Paper presented at the 2017 EuroMedia conference. Brighton, UK. 計畫編號MOST 105-2410-H-034-018-MY2
Shulin Chiang (2016, Jun). Mediatization of Science--Exploring the Mediatization of Televised Health and Medical Discussion Programmes. 2016IAFOR. Kobe, Japan.
Shulin Chiang (2015, Jul). From Science to Journalism— How Meteorological Information is Translated into TV Weather Forecasting . IAMCR. MOST 103-2410-H-08.
2010. TO Trust or Distrust? The Role of Weather Forecasting in Typhoon Morakot. Paper presented at 2010 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) conference. Tokyo, Japan.
2010. How Digital Divide Policy Was Domesticated in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 60th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Singapore. (國科會補助學者專家出席國際會議)
2008. Digital Divide Policy-Making In China and Taiwan: An Interpretive Approach. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, The University of Essex, UK.
2007. China’s Domestication of the ‘Digital Divide’. Paper presented at Early Career Researchers' Conference, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
2006. Contextualised Digital Divide Policy in China--'Cun Cun Tong Policy'. Paper presented at Research Workshop: Science and Technology
in China today: challenges for analysis and for policy, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
2005. Rethinking the ‘Digital Divide’. Paper presented at The Second International Conference on Digital Communication, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
2004. The Internet Communication Policies of Developing Countries in the Era of Globalisation: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and China. Paper presented at the conference held by North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA), Hawaii, USA.
2009. An Interpretive Approach to Digital Divide Policy-Making: A Comparative Study of China and Taiwan. University of Edinburgh, UK. Unpublished PhD Thesis.