專任教師 > 陳慧蓉


研究室:大成館 419-6 分機 37132 Email:hc8677@yahoo.com


  • 符號學/符號敘事理論 Semiotics/Semio-Narrative Theory
  • 全球化理論與文化/跨文化傳播 Globalization Theories and Culture/Cross-Cultural Communication
  • 性別研究/女性與國族 Gender Studies/Women and Nationalism
  • 新媒體、社群、與認同/民主與公領域理論 New Media, Community and Identity/Democracy and the Public Sphere
  • 傳播理論 Communication Theories


  • 人文研究/跨領域人文學研究 (第一領域傳播、第二領域社會學)/紐約州立大學奧伯尼分校傳播學系博士
  • 大眾傳播/德州理工大學大眾傳播學院碩士
  • 中國文化大學新聞學系學士


  • 中國文化大學新聞學系教學卓越計劃辦公室主任
  • 中國文化大學新聞學系副教授
  • 中國文化大學新聞學系助理教授
  • 紐約州立大學奧伯尼分校傳播學系講師
  • WAMC 紐約州公共廣播電台實習
  • 卓越雜誌採訪記者/編輯



  • Huey-Rong Chen (2020),Introduction: dialogue and ways of relating, in Language and Dialogue, 10 (1): 1 -8.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2020),〈行動、能動、與(被)操縱 – 社群媒體時代中的公民、運算、與殭屍〉於《數位科技發展下的民主鞏固與衝擊》pp. 89-104,賴振昌、徐浤馨編。台北: 翰蘆出版社
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2020),“Bodies, Faces, Physical Spaces and the Materializations of Authority”, Nicolas Bencheriki, Alaric Bourgoin, Huey-Rong Chen, François Cooren, Vincent Denault and Pierrich Plusquellec, in Authority and Power in Social Interaction: Methods and Analysis, eds. by Nicolas Bencherki, Frédérik Matte and François Cooren, 99-116, New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2017),〈誰的他者 – 台灣報紙筆下的美國攻伊論述〉, 賴映潔、陳慧蓉、莊錦農,傳播與發展學報,12月,第34期,pp. 135-170。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2014),Media Culture in Taiwan: the disparity of and the quest for “the common,” in Taiwanese Culture, pp. 271-282, Taipei: lth Association for Democracy.〈台灣媒體文化: 共同的落差與追尋〉《台灣文化》pp. 271-282,2014年七月。台北:李登輝民主協會。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2013),Taiwan, China and Central American Allies: A Discourse Analysis of the Costa Rican Diplomatic Shift News Coverage, Maria Cecilia Calello and Huey-Rong Chen, Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Spring, 9(1): 139-78.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2012),〈台灣媒體的馬其維利拉扯〉,《國家政策展望》,台北:翰蘆出版社。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2008),Youth Leadership – Cultural Resources and Political Participation under the Interpenetration between Globalization and Localization, Essays on United Nations Summits, Taipei: Institute for National Development, pp. 199-215.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2008),Toward a Common Culture from Journalism: Media Literacy and Citizen’s Everyday Lives Participation, Education Resources and Research, Vol. 80, p.37-52.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2007),Citizen Participation Beyond Media Literacy and Text under a Taiwanese Context: From Marginal Resistance to Mainstream Education, Education Resources and Research, Vol. 79, p.143-156.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2003),The Interpenetration of Globalization and Localization: Images and Action of Gender in Global and Local Brands Advertising in Contemporary Taiwan (paper accepted), NATSA (North America Taiwan Studies Association), publication of the 9th NATSC Conference Journal.
  • Janis L. Edwards & Huey-Rong Chen (2000), The First Lady/First Wife in Editorial Cartoons: Rhetorical Visions Through Gendered Lenses, Women’s Studies in Communication, 23(3), pp. 367-391.


  • Huey-Rong Chen (2020),A reflexivity of globalization: seeking dialogical transformation after the pandemic, Annual Globalization Workshop of International Program Communication Science Universitas Islam Indonesia, July 23rd
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2019),Keynote Speech: Philosophy of praxis and (global) culture resonance: technologies, creativities, and articulation through forming identities, 2nd International Media Conference: Creative Asia (Asian Cultural Creative Industries and Digital Media), Surabaya, Indonesia, Nov. 7-9.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2019),Being/Becoming Intellectuals: Subject Matter and Being Together through Ventriloquism – Dialogic Connection and Civic Participation in Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement, 21st IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis) Conference, Milwaukee, U.S.A.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2019),Figures at Play: Grasping the Experiences of Canadians in Taiwan Through Ventriloquism, Genviève Boivin and
  • Huey-Rong Chen, 69th Annual International Communication Association(ICA) Conference, May 24th – 28th, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2018),In Dialogue with Material and Social Relations: aesthetics, senses, and the designer as a place, Wen-Hua Chang and Huey-Rong Chen, 20th IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis) Conference, September 25th – 28th, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2018),“Haunting” as a grammatical relation: visor effects in dialogues, the function of camera in “Cache,” “The Act of Killing,” and “Small Talk.” 20th IADA (International Association for Dialogue Aanlysis) Conference, September 25th – 28th, Taipei, Taiwan.
    Huey-Rong Chen (2017),性別敘事與符號互動: 性別多元校園空間的追尋與建構 2017 「跨越邊界 – 在地‧多元‧性別」學術研討會。國立台南大學諮商與輔導學系。11月4日,台南:國立台南大學府城校區。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2017),The Utterance Positions of Mediating: the materiality and performativity of fact-check in 2016 U.S. Presidential Debate, 19th IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis), Oct. 11th—14th Bologna, Italy
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2016),Conflicts, Dialectics, and Semiotic Transformation of Authority and Power through Critical Discourse Analysis, ICA Pre-conference, How to Analyze Authority and Power in Interaction? “Under Whose Authority?” Kim Davis denies marriage licenses to LGBT couples., Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2016),建設性新聞學的理論及實用場域: 社群、公民意識、與民主 On the Theoretical and Pragmatic Location of Constructive Journalism: Community. Citizenship, and Democracy 公共電視台: 建設性新聞研討會 Constructive Journalism Symposium, April 14th 台北。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2015),The Playful Resistance of Cheekiness: pushing back and breaking bad through the everyday creativity in dialogue,17th IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis), Nancy, France, Aug. 27th – 29th
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2015),Resynchronizing the social and the physical through mediated communication: Identity and the consciousness of place, ANZCA (Australia and New Zealand Communication Association) conference, Queenstown, New Zealand. July 8th – 10th
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2014), From Tactics of Social Roles to the Trajectory of Identity: Uses and Practices of Native Languages in Contemporary Taiwanese Cinema, 16th IADA(International Association of Dialogue Analysis), accepted, Braşov, Romania, June 5th –June 8th.
    陳慧蓉(2013),台灣的媒體文化 –共同的落差與追尋,台灣文化學術研討會,李登輝民主協會。12月7日,台北:台灣大學社會科學院國際會議中心。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2011), Whose Japan is this? Decoding the Cultural Proximity and Cultural Appropriatio of “Japanese-ness” by Taiwanese and Japanese Commercials in Taiwan, IAICS (International Association of Inter-Cultural Communication Studies), San Cristoba de la Casa, Mexico, 6-10, June.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2011), The Materiality and Narrativity of a Reflexive Gaze: a semio-narrative approach to realize the dialogical (re)presentation of historical memory and dialectics in Michael Haneke’s Caché, 13th IADA (International Association of Dialogue Analysis), Montreal, Canada, 26-30 April.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2010), The Time-Space Construction/Self-Presentation of a National Identity of Heterogeniety – a semio-narrative analysis of cultural citizenship and Symbolic Meanings of Taiwanese Indigenous People in the 2009 World Game Openning Ceremony Performance, ANZCA (Australia and New Zealand Communication Association), Canberra, Australia, July 7-9, 2010.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2010), Gender, National Vision, and Charismatic Leadership: A Comparison of Leadership Rhetoric between Taiwanese and American Female Politicians -- the case of Presidential Candidate Hillary R. Clinton and Oppositional Party Chairwoman Tsai, Ing-Wen, 20th Annual Conference of ASEN (Association of Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism), LSE, London, U.K., 13-15, April, 2010.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2009), The Materiality of Reflexive Gaze: A Semio-Narrative Approach to “Realize” the Obduracy of Historical Memory in Michael Haneke’s “Cache,”, (accepted), paper presented in the 10th IASS-AIS World Congress (International Association of Semiotics Studies), A Coruna, Spain, 22-26 September 2009, Conference Theme: Cultural of Communication, Communication of Culture.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2009), Sign Values and Brand Glocalization: The Construction of “Something” in Taiwanese Coffee and Tea Brands Advertising, (accepted), paper presented in the 15th IAICS (International Association for Inter-Cultural Communication Studies), World Conference 2009, Kumamoto Gakuen University, Kumamoto, Japan, 18-20 September, 2009, Conference Theme: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration within and across Sociolinguistic Environments.
  • 陳慧蓉(2009),〈啟動公民社會的對話與參與 – 媒體識讀教育的公民通識性與新聞專業性〉,《專題座談Media Literacy 教學核心與教學實施 – 不同典範下的檢視》,中華傳播學會年會,6-8 July,玄奘大學,新竹,會議主題:未來的傳播,傳播的未來。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2009), From Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 to Taiwanese Film “Cape No. 7”: the “Realization” of Taiwanese Identity/Nationality through Cultural Globalization/Localization, (accepted), paper presented in the 19th ASEN Conference (Association of Studies on Ethnicity and Nationalism), London School of Economics, London, 31 March – 2 April, Conference Theme: Nationalism and Globalization.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2008), How to Activate Citizen Participation Through Media Literacy? –A Taiwanese Context, (accepted), IAMCR (International Association of Mass Communication Research), World Congress 2008, Stockholm 20-25 July, Convention Theme: Media and Global Divides.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2007), The Interface of Cultural Transformation and Global Connections: Island Nations of Modernity Realization and World Consciousness(文化轉變與全球連結的界面—島國的現代性行進與世界意識),台日次世代對談Taiwan-Japan Next Generation Dialogue 2007, Taiwan International Studies Association (TISA 台灣國際研究學會) and Tokyo Foundation(TKFD 東京財團) 主辦, Taipei, 會議主題: 全球化世界中的地方性價值。
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2007), When Feminist Subjectivity Conflicts with Masculine Memory: Taiwanese Women’s Citizenship in Internet Political Forum – a Semio-Narrative Approach, (accepted), the 9th IASS/AIS Congress, International Association of Semiotic Studies, Helsinki, Convention Theme: Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2007), Glocalization for Something, Nothing, or Something Else? : Narrative Consequences of Cultural Hybridity in the Global Brands Advertising Campaigns in Taiwan, 6th Biennial Convention of the Pacific & Asian Communication Association, Honolulu, Convention Theme: Communication, Culture and Business.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2006), Media Democracy, Masculinity, and Nationalism: Women’s Citizenship in Internet Political Forum, paper presented for the 12th NATSA (North America Taiwan Studies Association) Conference.
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2005), “Top-Three” Student Paper, Continuity and Dialogical Hybridity in Global and Local Commercials in Taiwan, Feminist Scholarship Division, ICA(International Communication Association)
  • Huey-Rong Chen (2004), The Interpenetration of Globalization and Localization: Gender, Modernity and Local Identity in Global and Local Brands Commercials in Contemporary Taiwan, IASS-AIS (International Association for Semiotic Studies)
  • Huey-Rong Chen & Dr. Janis L. Edwards (1999), Patriarchal Confinement of the First Lady in the Editorial Cartoons: Domesticating Barbara and Hillary, SUNY Albany, “Top-Three” paper, Central States Communication Assn./Southern States Communication Association.
  • Huey-Rong Chen & Dr. Jerry C. Hudson (1994), Sex Role of Women in Taiwanese Magazine Advertisements: A Comparison between 1982 and 1992
  • , AEJMC, Southwest Conference, Department of Mass Communication, Texas Tech University.
    研究計畫2011年,中國文化大學鷹揚計劃,學術研究補助,研究主題:「性別多元與社會建構: 同志、跨性別、與性別平等意識學生的校園行動經驗與對話」
  • 2010年,中國文化大學鷹揚計劃,學術研究補助,研究主題:「新聞專業與媒體識讀 中的公民敘事觀點:公領域信任的重建」
  • 2009年,教育部,學術研討會補助,〈「數位時代下的傳播產業發展及新聞傳播教育」學術研討會〉(A Conference on the Development of Mass Media and Communication Education in the Digital Era, 2009)。研討會主題:主動閱聽人的網脈人際 – Web 2.0時代的新聞政策、產業、教育、與社群。中國文化大學新聞系(所)主辦,國家傳播通訊委員會協辦。
  • 2007年,國科會,學者參加IASS-AIS(國際符號學研究年會)國際會議旅費補助
  • 2006年,「媒體識讀」課程,教育部通識教育改進計劃--現代類,教育部顧問室人文社會科學教育先導型計畫95學年度上學期。
  • 2005年, Minority Student Travel Grant, ICA (International Communication Association)
  • 2003年,Conference Travel Grant, GSO (Graduate Student Association), SUNY Albany


  • Huey-Rong Chen (2005), Top Three Student Paper Award, Feminist Scholarship Division, International Communication Association (ICA).
  • Huey-Rong Chen (1999), Top Three Paper Award, Central States Communication Assn./Southern States Communication Association.