專任教師 > 陳雅琪


研究室:大仁館 257 分機 23728 Email:cyq14@ulive.pccu.edu.tw


  • 論述分析
  • 傳播政治經濟學
  • 媒體與民主
  • 媒介社會學
  • 數位匯流與媒體文化政策


  • 倫敦大學金匠(Goldsmiths)學院 媒體與傳播博士
  • 國立政治大學新聞研究所碩士
  • 國立臺灣師範大學 社會教育學系 / 英語學系 (雙學位)


  • 中國文化大學新聞系專任副教授 (2018.08-迄今)
  • 中國文化大學新聞系專任助理教授(2012.08-201)
  • 2012.2-2012.7 約聘研究員,臺北市政府觀光傳播局 媒體出版科
  • 2005.9-2007.9 科員,臺北市政府新聞處 第四科



  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2019). Youtubers as citizen diplomats: How and what do Taiwanese and Korean youtubers present Korea? 第39屆中韓學術會議。 Cheongju, Korea. (invited presentation)
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2019). Localism for losers? Audience perception of localism and its implications in Taiwan. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2019 Conference. Madrid, Spain.
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2018). Radio that kills? Voices of ‘Medicine Radio’ in Taiwan. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2018 Conference. Oregon, US.
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2017). Voices that matter: ‘Medicine Radio’ in Taiwan. International Association of Dialogue Analysis 2017 Conference. Bologna, Italy.
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2017). Challenges and opportunities: minority language under transition. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2017 Conference. Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2017). Whose Voices? How media policy shapes minority language radio in Taiwan. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2017 Conference. Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2016). Digital switchover in Taiwan. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2016 Conference. Leicester, UK.
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2015). Game-changer or cash cow? When ordinary netizens become the dominant news source for media. ECREA Communication and Democracy Conference 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2014). Hope or Despair? When Small Happiness goes viral. 6th International Conference on Language and Communication (ICLC). Bangkok, Thailand
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2013). Power Behind the Scene: State-Aided Media Concentration in Transitional Taiwan. ( Preconference, International Communication Association/ ICA, Global Communication and National Policies: The Return of the State?) London, UK.
  • October 2011, 民主化之政治:臺灣的獨立管制機關 The Politics of Democratisation: Creating an Independent Regulatory Agency in Transitional Taiwan Centre of Taiwan Studies School of Oriental and African Studies, London 倫敦大學亞非學院臺灣研究中心 專題演講
  • July 2011, 當心踩空:「一步到位」匯流立法之困境分析 Mind the Gap: An Examination into ‘One-Step Legislation’ in Transitional Taiwan Istanbul, Turkey 土耳其媒體與傳播研究國際學會(IAMCR),2011 年年會會議論文
  • July 2010,「與虎謀皮?臺灣獨立管制機構之授權」Asking a Tiger for Its Hide: Creating an Independent Media Regulator during Political Transition Braga 葡萄牙媒體與傳播研究國際學會(IAMCR),2010 年年會會議論文
  • Nov. 2009,「舊瓶新酒?臺灣的媒體獨立管制機關」倫敦,英國 – 金匠學院(Goldsmiths)/西敏斯特大學(Westminster)/倫敦政經學院(LSE)/城市大學(City)四校聯合研究論壇
  • July 2009, 「消毒或除煞:疾病命名的政治,以臺灣為例」From Germs to Ghosts: the Politics of Naming an Epidemic墨西哥市,墨西哥媒體與傳播研究國際學會(IAMCR),2009 年年會會議論文
  • May 2008, 「臺灣的媒體管制困境」倫敦,英國 – 金匠學院(Goldsmiths)/西敏斯特大學(Westminster)/倫敦政經學院(LSE)/城市大學(City)四校聯合研究論壇


  • 陳雅琪(2018)。多元觀點下的臺灣媒體發聲。台北:翰蘆圖書文化。
  • Chen, Ya-Chi (2016). From germs to ghosts: The politics of naming an epidemic In Marinescu, V. & Bianca Mitu (Eds.) The Power of the Media in Health Communication. Pp. 54-70. London: Routledge.


  • 107學年度新聞系教學優良教師


  • October 2011, 民主化之政治:臺灣的獨立管制機關 The Politics of Democratisation: Creating an Independent Regulatory Agency in Transitional Taiwan Centre of Taiwan Studies School of Oriental and African Studies, London 倫敦大學亞非學院臺灣研究中心 專題演講